

Film from Ferdinand Dimadura

根據糧農組織統計, 每天平均有25000人死於飢餓及貧窮. 我們實在活在非常幸褔中, 不要再抱怨言, 要珍惜自己身邊的一切 ! ========================================= Let me tell the story that no one else can hear. How can someone's laughter bring me close to tears. And you'll never know, cause you're never there. After what we're seen, can we close our eyes again. Let me tell the story, you won't think is true. I have not forgotten, so i'm sharing it with you. For all the things we know, what have we really learned ? Though i close my eyes, the images remain. And the story..... BEGINS AGAIN. =========== source from Ferdinand Dimadura
